 * StyleName: common.css
 * Version: 2.2
 * FoodConnection
 * http://foodconnection.jp/
 * http://foodconnection.vn/

 * reset by FC Dev

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 * reset - custom

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 * nav - float/inline

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 * fonts

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 * .bg-parallax

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 * rollover button

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 * .slide-fade

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 * .nav-animate

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 * .nav-fixed

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 * .wrap

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 * .toggle

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 * .pagination

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 * .rss

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 * #pagetop

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 * <header>

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header h1 {
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 * <section>

section {
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 * <footer>

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footer nav {
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footer nav > a + a {
footer nav > a + a:before {
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address {
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 * #socialbuttons

#socialbuttons {
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#socialbuttons > * {
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	height: 20px;

 * debugger

html.fc-debugger {
#fc-console {
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#fc-console.active {
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#fc-console * {
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#fc-console .console-title {
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#fc-console .console-title[data-total]:before {
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#fc-console .console-title:hover {
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#fc-console .console-clear {
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#fc-console .console-main a:hover {
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#fc-console .console-block[data-count]:before {
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#fc-console .console-block + .console-block:after {
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#fc-console .console-block > * {
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#fc-console .console-message {
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#fc-console .console-message:before {
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#fc-console .console-stacktrace {
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#fc-console .console-stacktrace > * {
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#fc-console .console-script {
#fc-console .console-line {
#fc-console .console-column {
#fc-console .console-error {
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#fc-console .console-error:before {
	content: "$";
	position: absolute;
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	left: 0;
	bottom: 0;

 * .copy - clipboard

.copy {
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.copy:hover {
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.copy.copied {

 * customs

.bxSlider * {
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a.bx-prev:hover img,
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 * horizontal & vertical align

.x-full {
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.x-center {
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 * .vh-fix

.vh-fix {

 * .full-height - 100vh
 * this bug not displaying 100vh correctly
 * fixed on iOS/Chrome

.full-height {
	height: 100vh;

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 * customs common - FCV

.fl {
	float: left;
.fr {
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.fn {
	float: none;

 * WordPress

body.wp {


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